Sunday, December 28, 2008

Hawaii-Inspired Dinner Menu

We had so much fun in Hawaii last week that I wanted to re-create some of the foods of the islands even though weather is cold and snowy here in Portland.  I knew I had to make Kalua Pork, because it was my favorite foods from the trip.  I also wanted to give making poke a try, and fortunately we have an amazing fish counter at a local Asian grocery store, so I was able to pick up some beautiful sashimi-grade ahi.  For dessert, I found a recipe for a light white cake filled with macadamia pastry cream and coated with coconut.  A perfect finish for this dinner!
Recipes will be posted soon!

My sister and husband put together some great drinks using POG (Pineapple-Orange-Guava juice), pineapple-orange-banana juice, freshly-squeezed lime juice, and rum.  They complemented the menu perfectly!


Steamed white rice
Sliced fresh papaya and pineapple


What's Cookin Chicago said...

Looks like a great menu and I love that you added poke. I miss my family and the time I spent in Hawaii... thanks for bringing me back to some memories (especially with pog!) :)

Anonymous said...

its look very testy